Calvin and Hobbes, the beloved comic strip created by Bill Watterson, has captivated readers for decades with its clever wordplay, witty dialogue, and imaginative scenarios. While the exact number of Calvin and Hobbes books published may not be as straightforward as counting stars in the sky, it’s fascinating to explore the various editions and reprints that have contributed to the rich tapestry of this timeless series.
The Initial Comic Strip Series
The original run of Calvin and Hobbes was published from 1985 to 1995, consisting of 109 installments in the newspaper pages of The Rocky Mountain News. This initial run is often considered the definitive collection and forms the core of the strip’s enduring legacy.
Expanded Editions and Reprints
Over the years, the popularity of Calvin and Hobbes has led to numerous expanded editions and reprints. These include:
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (1998)
This comprehensive collection includes all 109 strips from the original run, along with a selection of out-of-print strips, making it an essential purchase for any fan of the series.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: Volume One (2004)
Volume One covers the first 73 strips, providing a deeper dive into the early adventures of Calvin and his stuffed tiger friend.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: Volume Two (2004)
Continuing the narrative from Volume One, Volume Two includes strips 74 through 96, offering a more in-depth look at the characters’ development over time.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: Volume Three (2005)
Volume Three, which spans strips 97 through 109, concludes the original run with some of the most memorable and heartwarming moments of the series.
The Best of Calvin and Hobbes (2007)
This collection features the funniest and most popular strips from the entire run, including some never-before-published material, providing a perfect introduction to the series for new readers.
The Best of Calvin and Hobbes: Volume One (2008)
Volume One of The Best of Calvin and Hobbes focuses on the earlier parts of the series, while Volume Two covers the latter half, ensuring that no fan misses out on the best of the best.
The Best of Calvin and Hobbes: Volume Three (2008)
Another volume in the Best of series, Volume Three expands the collection even further, featuring some of the most beloved and thought-provoking strips from the entire run.
The Best of Calvin and Hobbes: Volume Four (2008)
Volume Four completes the Best of series, rounding off the collection with some of the final and most poignant moments of Calvin and Hobbes.
Special Editions and Anthologies
Beyond the standard collections, special editions and anthologies have also added to the Calvin and Hobbes experience:
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: The Album (2009)
This unique collection combines the strips with original artwork, creating a visually stunning book that celebrates the artistry behind the series.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: The Album: Volume One (2010)
Volume One of the album edition features the first 50 strips, while Volume Two covers the remaining 59 strips, allowing fans to enjoy both the words and artistry of Calvin and Hobbes.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: The Album: Volume Three (2010)
Volume Three of the album edition concludes the collection with some of the most iconic and memorable strips, providing a complete visual journey through the series.
While the exact number of Calvin and Hobbes books may vary depending on personal preference and collection completeness, the total number of books available showcases the enduring appeal of this beloved comic strip. Whether you’re a long-time fan or discovering the series for the first time, these various editions offer a wealth of material to savor and appreciate.